Surprisingly, this year we were more prepared for Halloween than last year, when we had to come with *two* costumes just a couple of hours before going out to trunk-or-treat. I guess we are just not much into this holiday and generally try not to stress out about other holidays either.
By some amazing coincidence, I bought Maya's and Anya's costumes during my one and only visit to Kid-to-Kid since Anya was born. It was a disastrous outing with 3 kids that made me swear off taking them all again when I don't have an extra pair of hands to help me. Still, some good came from that, that's how we ended up with 2 ready-to-go costumes a whole month before Halloween.
Elijah's was a tough one however... It was a toss up between Dalek and TARDIS, but we had to be realistic so Mark came up with a brilliant last minute idea. We got out Elijah's tool box and play drill, then drove to Deseret Industries to find some overalls for him. When we got to the parking lot where trunk-or-treat was set up, I threw the overalls on the ground and did my best to get them dirty. My make-up was in the car so Elijah's face got 'dirty' too with some brown eye shadow. He put the overalls on, took the tool box in his hand and turned into the cutest repair man I've ever seen :)

Anya ended up wearing a hat I knitted that day for a newborn baby, but it ended up being too big for a tiny newborn. I thought it complimented her fairy outfit pretty well :)
Maya had to improvise and wear something with her costume to keep up with the weather that night. As always, she's a pro at wardrobe remix ;)
Later that night we went trick-or-treating. Somehow Elijah figured out what his costume was all about, so every time someone opened the door and put candy in his bag, he would ask "Can I come in?" with all the intention to do so before the person at the door had a chance to respond.