December 1, 2010

they were here

My children do have mornings when they just read books and draw quietly. Like today. There must've been a myriad of planets x3 that aligned just right and not a millimeter off this morning to turn my children into quietly-sitting-and-drawing-or-reading type. Thank you, planets!

And we got to make this again. Didn't have time to finish it though... Any guesses what it could be? We've been enjoying this stuff for the past few days. Kids are hooked!


safetyorange said...

What is it?!!

Lola said...

I loved your birth video and birth story. Thanks for sharing them. Our youngest isn't but a month younger than yours.

Your pictures are beautiful.

Kate said...

hmmm, it looks like either some sort of divine smoothie or paper pulp for handmade paper??

Oh, btw, did you find somewhere to move to? Hope so! That sounds so crazy stressful at this time of year!

lila Braga said...

love your pictures...soooo gorgeous!
just wondering, did you find somewhere to move to? Hope so! That sounds so crazy stressful...hugs