September 23, 2010


Every year we look forward to the first week of September, when we get to go all the way to Brigham City and pick our own peaches. We go to the same orchard year after year, the peaches are fantastic there and we love to support the old school trust-your-neighbour payment system - money jar with nobody around to keep an eye on it. We wonder if that money ever gets stolen, and it probably does from time to time. But we hope that the good karma of believing in honest people brings fair return and loyal customers (like us :)

This year peaches were a bit slow to come. We finally went 2 weeks later than usual, only to find the trees mostly empty. It looked like the peaches were picked that morning or maybe the day before. But we still were able to spot a few trees that made our trip worth while. After all, it would be no fun to drive an hour and a half each way with an unhappy baby, making several stops in between to nurse her or rock her in the car seat, just to come home empty handed...

checking on her sister

Ivy has been rolling like a pro lately. She didn't like staying on her back for too long, so she rolled off the wrap and spent a good 5 minutes nibbling on the grass and digging her toes into the dirt.


Jessica said...

I love these photos - the whole set. Gorgeous.