February 15, 2011

Hits and misses

:: after multiple attempts at baking gluten-free bread, we finally have a hit. even though it didn't rise as much as I expected, it turned out plenty wonderful. The bad news? One loaf was barely enough for 5 sandwiches. Never thought a day would come when I have to buy bakeware in doubles. And then triple most recipes (if I want a bit of leftovers for the next day). Ah, the joy of having a large family... ::

:: nothing escapes this girl's eye, she'll vacuum up every little speck and crumb off the kitchen floor. so if she's so intent at picking up random things and putting them in her mouth, she might as well do it with something digestible. and as a bonus, kids can pretend that they have a puppy that they've been begging for ::

:: hello kitty bandaids make everything better, both imaginary cuts, and really deep cracks in skin ::

:: a love note from Anya is always a hit. yes, the note says 'I love you', Anya told me so ::

:: no huge overpriced bouquets, or fancy jewelry, or dinner at an overcrowded noisy restaurant, but a lovely rose in a ladybug pot for Valentine's Day, carefully picked out by Elijah, Anya and Mark. A bull's eye hit (while it lasts... sadly, my brown thumb and house plants don't mix) ::

:: a most definite miss x 2. I miss my old boots that can't be cleaned after I spilled some shampoo on them (what? you didn't know that you can wash your hair in the kitchen sink on the way out the door?), and the new pair (which is nothing like the above mentioned boots, aside from being the same brand) is the least flattering pair of footwear I've tried on in a long time. Granted, my size 10 feet are not easy to hide, but having a pair of boots that makes them look even bigger? No, thank you. And I also can't bring myself to wear black boots or shoes. Too bad though, the deal on this pair was pretty amazing ::


Amy said...

Careful, Olya... five posts in 16 days this month already... we're going to start calling you a blogger again... ;)

As for the bread, GF bread never rises like you'd hope. But it looks amazing. What recipe did you end up using?

Olya said...

ha, I have my moments :) And I usually feel more like blogging when the spring comes...

I got the recipe from "Gluten-Free Baking Classics" by Annalise G. Roberts. The recipe did call for some miller flour which I didn't have, so I used sorghum instead which was the closest to millet in fat/carbs/protein content. The author is pretty adamant about us, mere mortals, not messing with her recipes. But sometimes you just have to improvise a bit...

The Nurtured Empath said...

I will definitely be looking into that book!! It looks like the best GF bread I've seen yet!!
Thanks Olya!!

Ginny said...

Just to back you up--I've made loads of different GF breads, and the sandwich bread in that book is the best I've found so far too. I have a grain mill, so I just grind millet for the flour.

Olya said...

Ginny, we just had no millet on hand, in any form :) We did buy some this week and ground it in our VitaMix which does a wonderful job grinding our flours.