July 14, 2008

On a subject of cloth diapering

We started cloth diapering (CDing) when Elijah was about 2 months old so it was a natural decision to continue doing it with Anya as well. We are loving pre-folds with Disana Tie Nappies, rarely even have to use wool cover over this combo. I also noticed it's easier to hold your baby when there's added 'bulk' around their bums ;)

I have to admit I get lazy at times, fall behind on diaper laundry and secretly wish I didn't feel guilty for using disposables. But I guess CDs are in my system now, whenever I 'cheat' and use sposies for a change or two, I start experincing some kind of withdrawal and dream of piles and piles of freshly laundered colorful pre-folds. I guess it's a good thing to be addicted to, right?