July 29, 2008


My confession for today... I'm a birth junkie. I love birthing. I love those unforgettable first few seconds when a mom gets to finally meet the little human being that grew inside her body. It's magic really. Nothing less than a miracle. My dream is to photograph births, some day, when my kids are old enough to be left with someone for a few hours and when I am old enough to learn how to drive. It's the kind of thing that I would pay to do for others, that's how much I love births.

My birth experience with Elijah was amazing, and with Anya it was simply incredible. Both times I did HypnoBirthing, which completely changed my attitude towards births. So all this time I've been on a secret mission, trying to share my love for HypnoBirthing and to show that births don't have to be painful and dramatic as media portrays them.

As shy as I am generally, I have NO problem sharing my births with complete strangers. So shortly after Anya was born, her birth video hit YouTube (thank goodness for the fantastic outfit I found to birth in, hehe) and I've been getting extremely positive comments and emails several times a week, every week ever since. Recently Anya's birth video made it to two blogs that I read, so I feel quite honored :) Here are the two posts that featured my video:

The True Face of Birth

Bellies and Babies


Angie said...

Wow you look so relaxed in the pool. It makes it look alot better then what tv shows you. Im glad you could find something easier then mayas birth!

RO said...

Yeah. You pretty much rock. So.... IF I asked you to photograph this next birth of mine (instead of my sister - and I haven't asked her yet), how would you manage your brood of 3 if I went into labor on a day other than Saturday or Sunday when Mark is around? hmmm....

Olya said...

Angie, thank you, I thought I was damaged for life after Maya's birth experience, so it's pretty incredible how much different a birth can be with the right mindset, support and information!

Rebecca, we can talk about it :) Mark and I talked about this dream of mine before and he said he'd be willing to come home from work and take care of kids if I had an opportunity to do this ;)